Annual Development Plan Update
Throughout our development plan this year we continue focus on the area of communication and language, whilst closely linking it with the area of personal, social and emotional development; we explore a range of strategies to support these areas in order to ensure that the children's individual needs are met to an exceptional standard.
We will offer an outstanding level of care and education, introduce new and strengthen current initiatives to help the children identify their own way to express their feelings and emotions, communicate their needs verbally as well as non-verbally, and develop important life skills that are associated with these prime areas of learning.
We strive to achieve this through providing the right learning environment inspired by the Curiosity Approach ethos, developing strong but fluid routines and channeling our curriculum focus through the individual needs of each child, their interests, backgrounds and abilities.
Once every half term, we have a Well-being Day. Each Well-being day follows a different theme and focuses on emotional well-being and how to take good care of it, including developing successful self-care strategies.
Our Well-being Days are 'no technology' days. All technology stays locked away and the focus is purely on the children and adults.
Our latest Well-being day was centred around the theme 'This Is Me'. The children welcomed their parents in as part of a Stay-n-Play session, during which we have learnt about one another, where we come from and what makes us and our families unique.