Extra-curricular Activities
As well as daily continuous provision and a range of planned activities that are tailored to each individual child's developmental needs and interests, we offer a huge range of enrichments that form a part of everyday routine in each room. These enrichments are accessible to each child who attends the nursery and play a significant part of our pedagogy.
Every week we are joined by external professionals who deliver regular classes to our children. During this term, the classes are as follows:
- Mandarin Language - Tuesday AM in Pre-school
- Forest School - Wednesday PM in Pre-school
- Stretch-n-Grow - Wednesday AM in Young Explorers, Early Learners and Pre-school
- Sports And All - Friday AM in Young Explorers, Early Learners and Pre-school
We are members of the Daily Mile UK Foundation and have been running the Daily Mile every single morning at 9am, come rain, hail or shine, since April 2018!
Physical activities such as Yoga, Mindfulness, Write Dance, Dough Disco and Welly Walks are firmly embedded within our weekly routines; our staff members are trained specifically in what is their area of expertise and the children thoroughly enjoy taking part.
Physical Literacy strategies form part of school readiness and run through the whole nursery, starting in the Young Explorers room as Tummy Time, in order to strengthen the children's core muscles and posture as well as develop their writing skills and pincer grip.