

At St Vincent's Nursery, we use an online software system to record individual information on each child throughout the day.


Parents have access to their child's daily information via a mobile app, Famly, which they receive their own login for. Famly provides parents with a notification as soon as anything has been uploaded by our team on their child; for example, once their child has eaten their lunch, parents can see what they have eaten and how much... instantly! The information that we publish on a daily basis are mealtimes, sleep times, nappy changes and bottle feeds. On top of that, every week we will publish photo pages or formal observations on each child, including lots of photographs! 


Having access to Famly is invaluable especially during the child's settling-in stages; we are able to put your mind at ease by publishing photographs of your child having lots of fun.


Famly is a two-way communication system; we encourage our parents to use their app to get involved with their child's learning through uploading photos and information on what they have been doing at home, so that we can link it to activities planned for the child at nursery and share with their friends during circle times.